
I am creating this website to be a helpful resource to Vintage Pedestrian Tractor Enthusiasts. This is my first Anzani Iron Horse , acquired in December 2019, so initially I will be focused on British Anzani and then hope to develop the site further to include many other pedestrian tractor marques. In the spirit of bringing together into a single location a wide range of information as a reference to those interested in all things Pedestrian Tractors , I have also included some information from already published materials. So Often , I’ve seen a snippet of info on a website, forum , or on FB, but when I need it , I can no longer find it. If this happens you too, then maybe the collection on this website will be of value to you. I Would like to give credits where possible for all materials included here, and so will improve on this over time. If there’s something on here that you’re not happy about , please let me know and I’ll correct it. I welcome your feedback and inputs of your experience with these machines.

Thanks, Tom

Over time, I will hopefully add many more pedestrian tractor makes. However , initially they will be much lighter in detail than what I’ve done on the Anzani tractor. If I do manage to build a collection of tractors , I intend to develop the content here on each tractor type as I learn more about them. I will certainly be having a much closer look at all Pedestrian Tractors I see in the future !!!

British Anzani Iron Horse

British Anzani

No other two-wheel tractor offers these six star features without extra cost

  • 3 Speeds and Reverse
  • Automatic Clutch
  • Instant Tool Change
  • Adjustable Track
  • Power Steering
  • Power Take off

A line up of 3 models, originally imported by British Motor Boat (BMB), from Simplicity in the US ,



Other Pedestrian Tractors from Around the World